Bringing Your Vision to the Page and Beyond
“Writing is an act of audacious courage and hope. Red Raven Studio is a safe place to create without judgment. I hold myself to a high standard of trust. I am a vision keeper, a confidant, a holder of dreams. I am the best first reader you can have. I read with love, but also with a commercial eye.”
—Claudia Boutote

Brand Strategy & Vision
Your Message, Your Story
Our focus begins with you, so we can build a solid foundation to amplify your message—it’s your story. We spend time getting to know you and your deepest aspirations. We analyze your present platforms and identify long-view goals in the service of pinpointing how a book or other products fit into your higher purpose. Your book is one articulation of your overall message. Our unique methodology which focuses on passion, purpose, point of view, and product draws out the most essential and authentic concepts you carry and articulates your values and mission. With content being consumed in audio, digital, print, subscription-based courses, and other emerging formats, we identify the best medium for your message and architect a strategic blueprint to build an author brand that aligns with your true self, your business goals, your public persona, and your life’s work.
Literary Coaching & Manuscript Editing
Finding Your Truest Voice
Claudia Boutote works with you one on one—and page by page—to translate what’s in your heart and soul to the world in a way that will resonate with your audience and have commercial appeal. This private workshop approach ensures a safe setting for the creative process to thrive. Through this intensive manuscript development and editing work, we shape the narrative vision and the structural framework of your text so it aligns holistically with your author brand and public platforms—and is the right book at the right time.
Strategic Marketing
Increasing Your Book’s Chance of Becoming a Bestseller
Red Raven Studio consultants employ a holistic approach and develop customized campaigns that align with your brand and your audience. Claudia Boutote’s innovative strategies and tactics have propelled more than 120 books to the New York Times bestsellers list. Our team knows the market and the consumer insights that work magic to forge meaningful connections through compelling storytelling and intelligent and elegant campaigns—customized, authentic, and relevant to business and consumer need. We use proven 360-degree marketing techniques that have expanded the platforms of experts, leaders, and organizations.
Book Proposal Development
Knowing What Publishers Want
Having held leadership positions on publishers’ acquisitions teams, Claudia Boutote knows what it takes for major and independent publishers to greenlight books. She knows the secret sauce for shaping successful book proposals and pitches that capture publishers’ attention and imagination; she can help your work be seen by the right decision-makers.